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aaron schendel

My Plans for This Website

Here’s the deal. I’ve tried doing blogs before, most notably (for me) my Personal Finance For Humans blog. My goal was to write about personal finance topics that are important in a way that anyone can read or understand. I wrote a dozen posts or so and then have let it sit for years. Most people didn’t read it, which is quite alright. My favorite post was about investing early being better than investing higher dollar amounts – super important so who knows, maybe I’ll post it here eventually. I also started a podcast by the same name as the blog and got an entire 1 episode recorded. It’s a ton of work to do it and do it well – damn. I also had a blog for some years named Natura Est Vita because I created it in college and I was #deep and named it in Latin. Cool.

So here I am. Blog #3 for me. But here’s the deal, I’m not pigeonholing myself this time around. This blog is for literally anything I want. I tend to post my thoughts/opinions/information I want to share with people on Facebook. However, I want to own my words so my plan is to write most things here and then just share links on Facebook/twitter/wherever. This will also be my home on the internet so if I do cool things I’ll share about it here.

You may not agree with the things I post. You might find things offensive. I might get super political. This is who I am and these are the opinions and beliefs I hold – at least at the time I am posting them.

Things I plan to write about:

My posts will be anywhere from a single word to multitudes of paragraphs. I’m not setting any real rules here. I also may steal an idea from Daring Fireball and occasionally link to articles/videos/posts I find super inspiring/interesting and share my brief thoughts on them.

Here we go.